
A best theme for your business, corporate houses, freelancing sites, WooCommerce shop and personal portfolio sites.

Try the best theme ever crafted with quality codes, elegant design and highly crafted premium features.

Theme Installation

From WordPress Dashboard  Appearance > Themes

  1. Log in to the WordPress Administration Panels.
  2. Go to the Appearance panel, then Themes.
  3. Click Add New.
  4. Upload the Zip file of MercantilePro
  5. After Installing the theme Click Activate button

Note: After the theme purchased, you can find the theme on My Account page.

FTP Installation (alternate method)

  1. Use your FTP software to browse to wp-content/themes folder.
  2. Extract and upload the folder.
  3. Once it’s uploaded, go to your WordPress Admin, browse to Appearance > Themes.
  4. Click the Activate link.

Recommended Plugin


Before importing the demo content. It is required that you install necessary plugins. They are:
1. Acme Demo Setup
2. Advanced Import

Then you can follow the path below:

Note: We recommend you to import demo data on new installation.

Adding Pages

Adding a new page is the same way as default WordPress installations, however, there are extra options that might need explaining.

This theme is specially build for corporate purpose. Usually each page have content and featured image.  Featured image will display on front page, in single page.

Adding Featured Image

  1. Go to Admin Panel
  2. Go to Pages > Add New
  3. Give the title of the Page
  4. Write the content of the Page
  5. Scroll to down and see the right corner, you will find the Set Featured Image section


This theme can fully customize from the Customize section. To customize theme, Go to Appearance > Customize. You will find the various options related to theme.

Parent Page and Child Pages

This theme is based on Parent Page and Child Pages. All the section on the home page are managed by Widgets and the content on the sections are called from Child Pages.

Parent Page will be a selector page and the content of it’s child page will appear on front end. Look here to know about how to create a Child Pages.

How to change Welcome to Mercantile

Mercantile is based on Child/Parent Page Concept. Read this blog post to know how to change that text.

Home Page/Make Home Page as Demo

Are you wondering about how to create home page as our demo ? Here we are going to present you how to make home page as demo. Please just follow the below procedure to make it. It’s simple to create home page.
1. Install Theme MercantilePro

2. Create Page for Home and Blog
You need at most two pages, one for Home and another for Blog, to make like demo. Please follow this below steps to
set home page.


3. Set Home page and Blog page
Please set home page and blog page with following procedure.

setting-reading-corporate (1)

4. Preview front page
View the front page, the featured section(Slider Section) will appear. To change the slider,

5. Section below the slider
Are you wondering how to add the section below the slider ? It’s simple, please follow the below process:

6. More section on Home Page
If you need more section on home page, just add the available widget there on “Home Main Content Area”
You will find the others section below.

How to make One Page Site ?

Please follow the blog post to know about create one page site. Follow all the steps mentioned on the post. 

Theme Options and Setting on Customizer

All the team options and settings are available on Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize. From this section you can manage,


Site Title, Tagline & Logo


Slider Sections


Enable Slider

Featured Slider Selection

Featured Slider Options 

Header Options


Footer Options


Layout/Design Option

Very flexible options for changing you site layout, design and colors.

Layout Design Section Includes:


Every section above have lots of features inside it. Check one by one.

Intro Loader Options


Button Design

Front Page Content Options 

Default Sidebar Layout

Default Blog Archive Layout 

Color Options

Font Family

Background Image

Custom CSS

If you are familiar with CSS, you can customize you site by writing your own CSS code :)

Single Post Options

This Section Includes;


Related Post Options

Author Info Options

Featured Image Options 

Meta Display Options 

Post Navigation Options

Post Comment Options 

Theme Options

Theme Options helps to manage the section including Breadcrumb, Search Placeholder etc.

Manage the every section for Breadcrumb and Search Placeholder.


How to Make Our Services Section ?

  1.  Create a Page(Parent Page). Example: Services
  2. Create Page(Child Page). Example: Services 1, Services 2, Services 3 & Services 4. Look here to know about creating child pages.
  3. Go to Appearance > Customize > Widgets > Home Main Content Area > Select the AT Service Section Widgets
  4. Select the Parent Page (Services)
  5. Click on Save & Publish to save the changes.
  6. View on Front End. Services section will appeared there.

Where to add the icons on services section ? 

  1. While adding pages, you will get a section to add the icon class.
  2. Please add the Google Font awesome icon class there.
  3. Please see the screenshot below for details.

How to visible Excerpt Section on Pages & Post? 

  1. Go to Pages > Add new or Edit the page
  2. View at the top, you will see the screen options
  3. Click there and Checked on Excerpts
  4. After that Excerpt will visible. Please scroll to down to see it.
  5. Please have a look on the screenshot for the details.


How to add Image, Descriptions and Social Links on Author Details?

If you want to add the detail descriptions of author, please follow the below steps:

Note: You need to enable the author descriptions from Customize > Single Post Options  first and it will appear on single post page.

Have a look on the screenshot below for more details:


Single Page Details Information

Have a look on the pages section to know more about the available features.

Go to Administration > Pages > Add New.



Make Team, Testimonials, Clients etc section

All the section on the home page are based on child/parent page and widget. You can create the parent page as a selector and it’s child pages to display on the front end. Follow the same procedure, as our services section above to make the other sections as well.


Footer Widgets Section

Make Footer Section As our demo(First Widget)

Please follow the steps to make the widgets section on footer as our demo:

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Widget > Footer Column One
  2. Add the Text Widget
  3. Write your content there.
  4. Copy and paste the below content.

<div class='text-center primary-color'><i class='fa fa-envelope fa-3x'></i><br />
<a href="mailto:[email protected]" target="_top">youremail[@]</a>


Make Footer Section As our demo(Second Widget)

Please follow the steps to make the widgets section on footer as our demo:

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Widget > Footer Column Two
  2. Add the Text Widget
  3. Write your content there.
  4. Copy and paste the below content.

<div class='text-center primary-color'><i class='fa fa-location-arrow fa-3x'></i><br />
Elmonte, California


Make Footer Section As our demo(Third Widget)

Please follow the steps to make the widgets section on footer as our demo:

  1. Go to Appearance > Customize > Widget > Footer Column Three
  2. Add the Text Widget
  3. Write your content there.
  4. Copy and paste the below content.

<div class='text-center primary-color'><i class='fa fa-phone fa-3x'></i><br />
<a href="tel:+0123456789">+0123456789</a>


If you have any problem related to theme, please post your query on support forum.